10 September 2012

Elementalist - The Squish-Army Knife.

(Note: You don't have to be a fire-type just because the class symbol is actual fire)
I had a whirlwind romance this weekend with Elementalist.  I have to say I'm thoroughly impressed with the versatility of this Profession.  After being bored of playing Thief this weekend (see my previous post on Thieves) - I decided to play the Engineer, almost-Mesmer, and eventually went to Elementalist.  Must-have talents not-withstanding, this class is very well put together.  Here are a few reasons why:

  1. The class mechanic of elemental attunements ensures that you always have 20 weapon skills available to you at any given time (vs. most professions only having access to 10).  Not only that, but each different element has it's own different play-style, meaning that you have different roles you can accomplish with the same trait-spec, weapon, and utility skills.
  2. Want to be a close-range elem?  You can do that.  Want to be a long distance elem?  You can do that too.  Close-Range AoE?  Yup!  Long-Range AoE?  Yup!  Healer?  Why not!  Support-utility!? YES! They have it all!  Pets?  We get elementals!  Mobility?  Yes, everywhere.
  3. There are such a variety of skills available, that it's legitimately hard to choose which ones to use.
Hell even if you don't want to use any of your 20 weapon skills for whatever weapon you're using, you can Conjure up even more!  Unlike the Engi - you aren't punished for using slot-skill weapons (R.I.P. Flamethrower y.y).  This adds even MORE variables to the fun-factor.  Let's say you want to be a long-range AoE mage (we'll go with Staff) but then you decide "I want to go bury an axe in that guy's skull" - Conjure up a Flame Axe, and you're good to go.

I've been playing a lot of double-dagger elementalist this weekend, which is legitimately more fun/interesting than Thieves (source:  I main a Thief).  Nothing quite feels as satisfying as dashing into combat leaving a fiery trail in your wake, blowing up the area around you with a ring of fire, BREATHING fire all of your enemies, detonating that fire with Fire Grab, swapping to your air attunement, kicking the enemy in the face with Updraft, and going in for the kill with a lightning-quick body-burst of.. well... lightning.

I recommend Elementalist for anyone bored with their current profession, wanting a load of power, wrapped in a robe of versatility.


  1. How is the Elementalist in sPvP and WvWvW? I have been bouncing between my Thief Warrior and Ranger and am still looking for my main!

    1. I haven't played much sPvP with the elementalist, but I've done a fair bit of WvW.

      I run as a D/D and Staff elementalist. Obviously that means I can only switch weapons outside of combat - but I use the Staff for AoE'ing people on top of towers, or on the ground in front of the tower on defense (usually as Fire since it has 3 ground targettable AoE's and the '1' slot is a ranged AoE as well).

      When I'm taking supply camps, fighting in the field, or fighting inside of a keep/tower though, I switch to D/D and run as either air, fire or earth. I use air mostly for mobility to get around the map though, since I can keep a 20 second swiftness up with Updraft and Glyph of Elemental Harmony AND I can use Ride the Lightning for a very fast boost forward on a short cooldown.

      Fire has amazing combo-ability with its dagger skillset. However, it DOES lack much in the way of range - which is why I keep either Conjure Flame Axe or Conjure Frost Bow on my skillbar.

      I'll be messing around more in SPvP tomorrow though, to test out an optimal 1v1 and small-group-fight build.

      In a team fight though, save Updraft for pushing enemies off of stomping your allies. It works like a charm, but has a hefty cooldown.

    2. Sounds good, keep me informed about the build...how is solo leveling? Is being squishy a big deal?

    3. Not at all. I think it's leveled out by the fact that you have access to either quick high-damage skills (as is the case with DD) and access to an array of AoE's. To put it into a realistic scenario, if I'm downleveled to 13 in the Caledon forest, I can solo about 5 and sometimes 6 Skritt at once as a flame D/D.

    4. I appreciate the feedback. I am going to give my Human elementalist a run.

      While I love my Thief's animations (disappearing in a puff of black smoke is so cool) I cant see myself playing it long term. Even at Lvl 20 its the same thing over and over.

      My Ranger has been the easiest to level, but I played a pet class in WoW for 5 years and I dont want to do it again.

      Despite everyone saying the Warrior is "EZ Mode" I have had trouble with him, and I tend to die a bunch.

      Lets hope the Elementalist sticks!
